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  • MarketPlan

    Plan, execute, analyze & optimize your marketing
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    The community submitted 107 reviews to tell us what they like about MarketPlan, what MarketPlan can do better, and more.
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    107 Reviews
    Just S
    Just S
    ⭐ Top reviewer
    Owner, Simple Lotus
    35 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan 2.0
    MarketPlan was an awesome tool. MarketPlan 2.0 looks incredible! It was a long journey from 1.0 to 2.0 and I am impressed with the MP team's diligence, patience, and ability to shut out the noise and focus on their vision. I love that they have shared a five-stage future so that users can truly be a part of the journey. This is shaping up to be one of my most valuable software investments yet.
    Doc Williams
    Building Operations to Scale Brands
    18 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan
    I love this platform! I've used this platform for more than 2 years and this platform keeps getting better and better! The team listens to the team and it's a great experience for a person that is running a marketing agency and also if you're a consultant for a company have a bird's eye view of the marketing campaigns.
    Doc Williams
    Building Operations to Scale Brands
    18 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan 2.0
    I love this product! I have used this in my business since 2018 and it keeps getting better. This V2 is going to be a game changer! Ty and Tyler continue to work hard on the platform and I can't wait for wants in store for the rest of 2020.
    Daniel Nordmark
    Software developer
    11 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan 2.0
    A great product became AMAZING! 5/5 without a doubt! :-) @tyduran @tyler_winter @junior_berdahl @khikoman @adam_mpio @daniel_morris2 @john_berdahl2 Really great work guys! V2 rocks!! :-) Congrats for a great launch! (sorry if I forgot someone)
    Eugen Popa
    Learn Grow Share
    9 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan

    This is a GOD SENT for any and all marketing companies or private marketers who need a clear vision and understanding of their marketing efforts (who doesn't???).

    The thing I like the most is the fact that everything is made super simple, and you can move things around, edit, adjust, cut, add elements to your funnel on the go!

    You can share with your team or with your customers and its all done on the fly.

    Why bother explaining when you can do it on the fly, real time!??


    Bimbisara Desh
    Make a memorable impression online
    18 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan

    My new favourite tool and one stop solution for planning and task management. I'm loving being able to visually map and plan a campaign. Being able to create copy/content within the app also time and keeps the creativity flowing.

    Doc Williams
    Building Operations to Scale Brands
    18 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan

    I use it on my discovery call with clients and I have seen a huge difference in conversion by having a visual of how I can help my clients.

    Steven Hoagland
    Marketer, coder, designer and biz owner.
    3 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan
    After purchasing tons of apps, it takes something pretty special to catch my eye and stand out in the crowd. MarketPlan is one of those products. Hands down, I think it’s the most comprehensive and easy to to use funnel builder out there now. It actually made my business work better. MarketPlan presents detailed real-time information using a clean UI, while providing access to an entire campaign. This latest feature adds easy collaboration inside the platform itself with a couple clicks, so you can work with remote teams at the same incredible speed. This is one of my best software purchases and I can’t recommend it enough to anyone who wants to up their up their game and make more money. With great templates, outstanding support, and now really convenient team communication, you can’t go wrong!
    Sanjay Banerjee

    Founder & Leadership at GForGrowth

    17 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan 2.0
    The best software by which i can explain a Prospect - as to what is a Funnel.......most of the time had a hard time in explaining a Funnel.....thanks for creating this software @Ty Duran and Team
    2 reviews
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    Review of MarketPlan
    Simply "the tool" in your belt you need - and can't do whiteout, if you have tried it even just once! -> In this day and age, creating or optimizing a web presence for any product or service, - the process of creating meaningful user journeys for the user, and value-adding to your bank account, needs a lot of planning & cooperation with any number of people from "just colleges in house" or external specialists. Here a lot can and do go wrong costing both time and money. Not to mention subpar solutions, - that if not directly sends potential customers away, then leave them with a "meh..."-feeling. As collaboration on a planning level is like several people joining to paint on a blank canvas, even with good communication skills it takes time to get anywhere and a lot of errors are made before anything useful begins to show. With the video + image collaboration function in the new marketplan.io, everyone involved simply get a more clear picture of impotent and critical parts right away, as the person in charge of this specific area, or the other who have the insights in this other, can show it instant and the others can comment or ask questions in the same process. Eliminating - a lot of going forth and back, using different (and often not familiar for all, adding friction) software solutions. -> Using Marketplan.io's new features not only add speed to, but lifts the quality of the process, as ideas, questions & comments get to be added right away in process, not forgotten or "coming to late, as the process have moved on from that gate". So a side effect, just to mention one (there are manny) , is - the client gets to feel "for real" to be part of the process, and therefore when involved in real time, feeling more in control letting his or hers guard down & play more "open and lose" trying new things. - Both, because, being in the "creative process" speaks to the "lest try this, or lets experiment for a bit" part of the brain - when seeing things visualized in front of them & being in an open dialogue. You get - Happier clients. - Clients who have been a part of (more or less) creating the solution, and therefore do not question the time spend or the bill in a lesser degree than clients who have gotten send proposals, have had to got forth and back, including spending time correcting even small basic errors in this daunting process etc. Just a few thoughts coming to mind of all the value adding features marketplan.io delivers. - It fast becomes center and command-rom for when creating solutions anything website based. - Oh! and this includes traffic, both to it and onsite the website, planning, modeling scenarios as well as real live traffic & what happens if we change this or that, including spend more on ads / get more traffic to the sales funnels!