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    What do people think of Knowable?

    The community submitted 27 reviews to tell us what they like about Knowable, what Knowable can do better, and more.
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    27 Reviews
    Daniel Liss

    Co-founder and CEO at Teaser AI

    1 review
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    Incredibly powerful and useful product...if the pandemic has proved anything in education, it's that we are only beginning to rewrite the book on how people learn. Excited to see how Knowable builds from here
    Vedran Rasic

    Founder & Leadership

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    Carol Tardif
    IT consulting
    2 reviews
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    Review of Knowable
    Congrats on implementing this idea, I've been looking for years on how to get audio training. Are you planning to offer an all-access plan like MasterClass or to pay a premium for all content? I already bought my first course but I'm reluctant to pay again for another course. Although I would be willing to pay more to access everything.
    Shadi Paterson
    Fun fun fun
    6 reviews
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    So cool! Reached out to become a course creator. Love what you're doing
    Alexa Wight Fitzpatrick
    5 reviews
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    Review of Knowable
    Looks interesting...the true test to me is more in the content than in the model, which doesn't feel that new (I listen to just the audio of MasterClass all the time and I wouldn't call it an inconvenience), but I could listen to Alexis speak all day, so that feels like a great start.
    Weston Jossey
    Head of Platform Infrastructure @GoodRx
    1 review
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    As someone who listens to 4 to 5 hours of audio content every day, a platform like Knowable is exactly what I’m looking for to keep myself learning and growing. While I still love listening to podcasts for things like current events and sports, nothing beats Knowable as a platform to immerse myself in a new concept and apply it within hours. If you haven’t done so already, go check out the speak with confidence course. Even if you’re a confident public speaker, I guarantee you’ll find a new technique that you never realized you were missing, but now can’t do without.
    Melissa Zehner
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    Review of Knowable
    I've taken two courses and a short webinar hosted by Knowable, and I've loved them all - chock-full of quality content with actionable takeaways. They also include links to other online resources and various downloads/workbooks. I'm planning on taking at least 4-5 more Knowable courses that are listed as "coming soon."
    1 review
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    Knowable feels like something that should already exist, but the reality is before the team built it, it didn't! It's both technically well-built and stocked with useful/actionable tutorials. It's like Masterclass, only helpful and not untouchable, only audio not video, and affordable not obscenely overpriced! Ok it's not like Masterclass but you'll be asked if it is if you tell someone about it, so be prepared. :) Looking forward to delving deeper into the catalog!
    Hugo Rojas
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    Great job! I will give it a shot, but I'm wondering what is the most painful problem you're solving for users?
    michael vons
    3 reviews
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