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    An elegant new Coinbase competitor ✨
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    An elegant new Coinbase competitor ✨
    This week the Coinbase app hit the #1 spot on the App Store, and former PayPal CEO and current Facebook Messenger chief David Marcus joined its Board of Directors. It's been a big week for the leading crypto exchange.

    There's only one problem: too much consumer demand.

    Coinbase has been the gateway for millions of mainstream consumers, attracting more users than Schwab. That's a lot of responsibility, and the growing pains have been evident (particularly during peak-demand). #servers

    To help, an elegant new exchange launched on Product Hunt yesterday. CoinFalcon lets you buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin with the same ease of use as Coinbase.

    "CoinFalcon is one of the coolest UI to enter the crypto-world" – Jean

    "UX designer here, and this product looks fantastic" – Callen

    CoinFalcon also trades IOTA, breaking the fast food comparison between Coinbase’s BTC, ETH, and LTC offerings. 🍟💰

    "I wonder how many people open the Coinbase app and think the different items are like 'regular, large, supersize' for the coins rather than 3 different blockchains and mining systems?" – asked Josh Elman.

    "Friend asked me why Ether is not just called 'Mediumcoin' since he assumed ETH and LTC to be smaller denominations of Bitcoin" Mike Mahlkow confirmed, with anecdotal evidence. 🙃

    📈 Mainstream Crypto

    Bitcoin, Litecoin, CryptoKitties, Blockchains – these things can be confusing for anyone to interpret – let alone the 100k new crypto entrants Coinbase is onboarding every single day. Bringing crypto to the mainstream is what Coinbase Co-Founder and CEO Brian Armstrong views as the company's biggest risk and and responsibility:

    "The biggest risk is that we don't make something a billion people want (and can understand + get value from). Digital currency is still way too complicated to use. Our goal with Coinbase is to go even farther on this spectrum. It should be as easy to use as Gmail, a smart phone, or ideally the telephone."Brian Armstrong, on Product Hunt LIVE

    For crypto to grow into the mainstream audience, an elegant ease of use is just the table stakes. It can't all fall on Coinbase.

    "We have increased the size of our support team by 640% and launched phone support in September. We have also invested heavily in our infrastructure and have increased the number of transactions we are processing during peak hours by over 40x." – Brian Armstrong said, in an important "Please invest responsibly" message.

    🎩 Elegant Crypto Products

    Exchanges: Coinbase & CoinFalcon (check out Kraken, for comparison)

    Products: Earn.com is a joy to use (and lets you earn money for replying to your emails, as well as answering Product Hunt questions ;)

    Price TrackersCryptoLadderBitWorth, and Coindex.

    Dashboard: CryptoMoney (CoinFalcon has a nice dashboard as well)

    Hardware Wallet: Ledger Nano S is one of the best.

    P.S. An early bitcoin investor just launched The Pineapple Fund and donated $86 million of bitcoins to charity. 🍍💸❤️
    Peter Pham asked: What were the best apps launched in 2017?

    #1 on the list should not surprise you. Add your recommendation
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