Where do you get User Feedback from and how do you manage them?

Arnob Mukherjee
5 replies
Have been building a product around this and was curious what is the source of User Feedback for your product and what's the process on how use and manage those User Feedback?


Lauren Thomas
We send our users a Vouch link (vouchfor.com) with specific questions and ask them to record their answers on video. You tend to get more in depth, candid feedback on camera, and it takes your user less time so they're more inclined to help out. We've integrated it to Slack, so the entire team gets to see user feedback in realtime.
Arnob Mukherjee
@lauren_thomas4 Woaaa looks cool, really nice would love to try it out!
For https://famewall.io , I collect most of the feedback via emails and on customer chat.
Arnob Mukherjee
@gouthamj Interesting do you create a database of these feedback somewhere or right now it's adhoc?
Rich Watson
we have a large community on discord where we get feedback at, and we also post a poll to see what users like or dont like