When you work during the weekend, how do you maintain yourself to be productive?

I think that rainy weather works best. β›ˆοΈπŸ˜€ But another good tip is to hit the gym in the morning πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ and prepare the list of tasks (that you scheduled before). πŸ“ It is easier to stick to the schedule when you have "a line-up" or a list of activities that have to be done. What works for you?


Marvin MΓ€ndle
Rainy weather is a good one. I sleep longer than normal and do a relaxed breakfast. (I'm not a morning person :D). Then I start working for a couple of hours and do a late lunch. After lunch I stop working till Monday, to take care of my work life balance and collect energy for the upcoming week.
Business Marketing with Nika
@marvin_maendle How many hours per day do you work during the weekend? It is less than during weekdays?
Marvin MΓ€ndle
@busmark_w_nika yes, sure. Otherwise it's impossible for myself to have a balance between work and family/friends.
Yankun Zhao
A work plan that includes 2-3 breaks and some form of reward upon completion works best for me! In the weekend morning, I typically set up a plan for myself that incorporates 2-3 breaks dedicated to fun and relaxation activities (I love music, so I often practice singing or guitar during these times) 🎡. At the end of the day, if I manage to accomplish my plan, I reward myself. This could involve eating some junk food (I like potato chips lol) 🀣, purchasing an item that has been in my Amazon cart for a while, or planning a fancy dinner for the upcoming week. For example, I am quite overloaded preparing our product launch tomorrow (Sunday), so I've told myself that after the launch I will go to watch a musical on Monday and I will buy a front-row ticket if the launch goes very well lol.
Business Marketing with Nika
@yankun_zhao Wow! Nice! Can we see somewhere your practice? Like YT videos or like that? LOL, eating junk – the best reward ever. :-DDDD
Yankun Zhao
@busmark_w_nika Haha I think I am not ready for publishing them yet. More practice needed. But I've set a goal to publish my first YT or TikTok video by the end of this year! (And I've started buying necessary equipment these days 🎀). When I post them, I will go back to this post and update with everyone lol~ Btw, I am launching my product -- WisdomPlan today on Product Hunt! πŸš€ It is the first-of-its-kind AI-powered personalized learning platform designed for adult learners to learn future-ready skills! I would really appreciate it if you could try our product. We're eager to hear feedback from you, the Queen of Product Hunt! Link to our launch: https://www.producthunt.com/post... Thank you so much!
My to-do lists are up to date and ready to go. Weekdays and weekends make no difference. I always consult my to-dos regardless πŸ™‚
Business Marketing with Nika
@jgani I am the same. Do not differentiate holidays, weekdays, (even "vacation"). When you like your activities there is no free time | border line | your work/passion.
@busmark_w_nika Hats off to you for being so passionate. Does your family complain about your workload :)
Alex AI
When I work on the weekend, I start early in the morning. This way, I have the whole day ahead of me. I always make a list of tasks I need to do. It helps me stay focused and organized. In the late afternoon, I finish my work. That's because I spend time with my wife afterward. Being with her is a big motivation for me. It makes me want to get my work done faster.
Takatsugu Kobayashi
I try to set up my work environment to be cozy and comfortable. Over the weekend, when I have to work, 1. Put together a ToDo list in the early morning 2.Hit the road to nearby beach or park 3. Set up a day camp 4. Work at full strength till the dinner BBQ on a beach/park
Nitin Joshi
I live in PG 500 km away from my home. I share my room with 3 other people. The good thing is during weekend my roommate love being outside and I enjoy being alone in room. So work till they return.
Sadath N
Mostly on weekends, I enjoyed working in cafes, this could increase the chances of meeting new people. Also, - I prepare a to-do list for my weekends - Workouts and meditation
Rocky 0899
Maintaining productivity while working on weekends involves a few key strategies: Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to accomplish during the weekend. Having specific goals helps keep you focused and motivated. Prioritize Tasks: Identify the most important tasks that need to be completed and tackle them first. Prioritization ensures that you're making the most of your time. Time Management: Allocate time slots for each task and stick to them as much as possible. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to break work into intervals with short breaks in between. Minimize Distractions: Create a conducive work environment by minimizing distractions. This might mean working in a quiet space, turning off notifications, or using website blockers to avoid temptations like social media. Take Breaks: Schedule regular breaks to rest and recharge. Stepping away from work periodically can actually improve focus and productivity when you return. Stay Healthy: Don't neglect your physical and mental well-being. Make time for exercise, healthy meals, and relaxation to ensure you have the energy and stamina to stay productive. Reward Yourself: Celebrate small victories and milestones to stay motivated. Rewarding yourself after completing tasks can help maintain momentum throughout the weekend. By incorporating these strategies into your weekend work routine, you can boost productivity while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance. https://hindisuno.com/
Girish Gilda
For me weekends are more productive than weekdays.
Picture life after hitting those revenue goals! πŸ˜…
Matej Cabadaj
Inner drive + coffee! 😁
Paolo Go
I allow myself to sleep a little bit more in the morning, and then I go to my office to avoid any distraction
Indu Thangamuthu
Sometimes...the empty office room motivates me.. .as there are no distractions πŸ˜„. Love visiting office on weekend for that one reason