What Product Hunt launch resources are you still missing?

Nico Spijker
4 replies
I'm building a Product Hunt community from scratch loaded with resources, support, other makers and new launches on the daily. As part of the community, we're setting up a resource center to help new makers access relevant launch information more easily. Whether you've already launched or working on a future launch, what kind of resources are you interested in/ do you struggle to find for your launch? šŸ—ļø Help us build a product hunt community by joining through this link: https://space.new/w/2k5rz9o šŸ’¬ Thoughts, feedback or missing items in the poll? Let me know in the comments below!


Chris Ferraro
Hi Nico - Do you happen to have a good resource (or two) to help with some creative on for PH launch?
Nico Spijker
@chris_ferraro1 I'll look into it! Saw you joined the community, will provide some new information on that next week!
Karthik Tatikonda
Getting strategies from succesful makers on Product Hunt.
Nico Spijker
@karthik_tatikonda What format would be best for you? AMA's, written guide, a workflow template, etc?