What other platforms are there to post blog content on?

Mike Young
8 replies
Currently I'm writing for https://www.replicatecodex.com/ on Medium, Dev.to, Hashnode, Hackernoon, and Ghost (site blog). Are there other platforms out there I should be cross-posting or sharing content on?


Uma Venugopal
Hacker News, Linkedin, Substack
Mike Young
@uma_venugopal Linkedin is a good idea! We do have a substack, wondering if other platforms are worthwhile too
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
You could post it on LinkedIn. Could also try Substack as a newsletter 👍
Mike Young
@brenkinfa didn't think about Linkedin! thank you!
Tej Garikapati
With the added word limit, twitter is a freat platform too. If you have an email list, newsletter. If you don't have an email list, start collecting emails. IMHO, nothing beats email newsletters
Mike Young
@tej_sai I feel I'm never able to get off of "New" with HN!
André J
Launching soon!
Self pub your own blog on GitHub.
Mike Young
@eonpilot Does that come with a Github.com backlink?