What is your product tech stack?

Anil Matcha
29 replies


Jijo John
Javascript, Node, Mongo db, Terraform and Kubernetes. We are launching on the 20th please do follow. producthunt.com/products/textcraft-ai
Tin Chung
Firebase, Typescript, React, GraphQL...
Tanay from Stacks
React, Ruby on Rails, Typescript, GraphQL, React Native
Geri Máté
Golang 🤘 And some TypeScript and other stuff
I've been waiting for such a question:) Python, Flask, TensorFlow, Node.js, React, MySQL, Typescript🤟
SASSA Status Check
Our product tech stack comprises a combination of cutting-edge technologies and tools that work together to power our solution. It includes programming languages such as [List programming languages], frameworks such as [List frameworks], databases like [List databases], and other essential components such as [List other components/tools]. This stack allows us to create a robust and efficient product that meets the needs of our users while staying adaptable to future advancements in the tech landscape https://duelduquinte.fr/.
Martin White
We're running on a mix here - our backend is Python/Django with a PostgreSQL database, frontend is ReactJS. We've Docker for containerization, all hosted on AWS.
I'm from the VILT Stack community : Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwindcss.
Hiro - Atsuhiro Teshima
We use Elixir for the server side and Nx and Nextjs-based monorepo for the front end. I hope I can get to know a builder who also loves Elixir:)
TypeScript, NextJS, NestJS, MongoDB, WebRCT, SocketIO and stuff in JS ecosystem.
Next.js, AWS (Database and others), TailwindCSS
Yaroslav Dzyoma
Client: Flutter Backend: Firebase, Typescript + little bit of Rust, CockroachDB, OpenAI API
Bryan McAnulty
Mostly Ruby on Rails. Hosted on Heroku.
Typescript + Next.js + Vercel
Adebayo Mustafa
Nextjs, Nestjs, TypeScript, MongoDB, AWS, WebRTC