What is the most effective technique for generating leads?

Abdul Rehman
30 replies
In a world bustling with marketing strategies, it's crucial to pinpoint the techniques that truly make a difference. And one strategy that has stood the test of time and continues to evolve is email marketing. Why Email Marketing, You Ask? Email marketing might seem like a veteran in the digital marketing realm, but it's far from obsolete. It's like a fine wine ā€“ it gets better with time. Here's why: Personalization: Email lets you speak directly to your audience, addressing their pain points and needs. This level of personalization creates a strong bond between you and your potential leads. Automation: With the right tools, you can automate personalized email sequences, ensuring that leads are nurtured at every funnel stage without manual intervention. Data-Driven Insights: Email marketing platforms provide valuable insights into user behavior. This data helps you tailor your approach, optimizing your campaigns for maximum engagement. Cost-Effectiveness: Unlike other marketing channels, email marketing often offers an excellent return on investment. It's budget-friendly and can yield impressive results. šŸš€ Supercharging Your Lead Generation: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...


Frank Sondors
If you think about which channels scale the fastest and the cheapest in B2B, email is the prime channel. I have worked with many startups and they never had enough money in the bank to spend big time with Google and Facebook, unless you got a boatload of cash from investors, which isn't the case these days. Investors are barely disbursing any cash to startups these days. It's like the worst time to raise. I would love to be proven wrong that email isn't the cheapest and most scalable channel šŸ˜…
Frank Sondors
@nathan_may1 fully agree. I've built salesforge.ai to compete vs Smartlead and other solutions to kill off templates slowly but surely. How do you do IG DMing at scale? Any tool you use for that? I think it only works in specific niches, no?
Nathan May
@franksondors If you have an audience you can use a lead magnet and have people message you and trigger an auto-DM. Otherwise manually curating a list a VA can reach out to is a good solution, then you just pick up on replies. It's not able to be automated just yet. And you're totally right, it's better for niches where your customers are solo founders vs. larger companies (e.g., works well when selling agency services, info products, etc. to coaches, ecomm owners, app owners, etc.)
Rohan Pathak
@franksondors The best part about emails Is the fact that it has stood the test of time and platforms have come and gone but email has been the one standing for the past few decades and it is a seriously reliable channel no matter if you are just starting out and want to get your first few clients or you want to scale and have a consistent lead flow!
Olena Bomko
Demand generation. The channel depends on your product and your audience.
Frank Sondors
@olenabomko what's your view on social selling?
Igor Lysenko
If the product covers the needs of the client and their problems, then it is in demand.
Iuliia Shnai
I got better response with out reach via LinkedIn rather than email. Did you compared these two?
Frank Sondors
@iuliia_shnai I agree with this. LinkedIn converts much better, but doesn't really scale ;/
Iuliia Shnai
@franksondors Also agree with it. Does not scale so well. Maybe i need to get back to testing emails:)
Frank Sondors
@iuliia_shnai the problem is if you're going to start sending over 50 emails/day consistently from a mailbox, Google/Microsoft will start penalizing you > send you more to spam etc. so the infrastructure needs to be set correctly.
Chatbots have been incredibly effective for us. They engage visitors on our website 24/7, qualify leads, and even schedule meetings. Anyone else having success with AI-driven solutions?
Daniel Zaitzow
@mani_abod Not yet - what solutions have your implemented and what does that stack look like?
Matthew Everett
Content marketing has been my go-to technique.
Frank Sondors
@matthew_everett don't you think that content marketing takes a bit too long to see the results? When you're short on time, cash, so methods that scale quick like advertising or cold email are key. Love to be challenged on this though.
Leon Fisher
Content marketing remains a game-changer for lead generation. By consistently creating high-quality, relevant content, you can establish your authority in the field and attract leads who are genuinely interested in what you offer.
Daniel Zaitzow
@leon_fisher Do you find that your time to value takes too long? Can you give a little insight into that creation landscape?
Hayden Foster
Social media contests have been surprisingly effective for our lead generation.
Daniel Zaitzow
@hayden_foster What industry is that in?
Owen Keller
Optimizing your landing pages is often overlooked but can make a significant difference. A clear and compelling call-to-action, along with concise and relevant content, can boost your lead conversion rates.
Syed Muhammad Shoaib Iqbal Shah
Don't underestimate the power of networking events. In-person interactions can create lasting impressions and connections that can eventually turn into valuable leads.
Rohan Pathak
@shoaib_iqbal3 In the beginning you can do this and it will yield you great results because you can build trust easily with in person networking events and also get a lot of referrals
Nasreen Akhter
Referral programs can work wonders. Satisfied customers can become your biggest advocates, bringing in leads from their network who are already predisposed to trust your product or service.
Dave-Anthony Smith
I think the most effective technique for generating leads varies by industry. As a Marketer, I love to tout the benefits of good old email. The data shows it is the channel with the highest return if you factor in time and money invested. However, I've seen content marketing perform better for some businesses than email marketing. Could this be because their email marketing strategy is lacking? Maybe. It comes down to A/B testing and not putting all your eggs in one basket. Understanding your target market and what makes them convert is key, its not necessarily email for every industry.
Generating leads is a crucial aspect of business and marketing, and there isn't a single "most effective" technique that works universally for all situations. The effectiveness of lead generation techniques can vary depending on your industry, target audience, and other factors. Here are several techniques that are commonly used and have been proven effective in various contexts: Content Marketing: Creating high-quality and valuable content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics, can attract potential leads to your website. This content should address the pain points and interests of your target audience for Stress Reduction with James Barnes. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your website and content for search engines can help your site rank higher in search results. This increases your visibility to people actively searching for information related to your products or servic