What did you ship this week? Let the community give feedback to your project?
Sharath Kuruganty
92 replies
Jeremy Wilt@jerwilt1
Just shipped https://www.sidehustle.guide/ to help people find their fit faster and make more 🤑. Would love any and all feedback!
Icon Horse
@jerwilt1 Looks great – I love how you categorised the different gig types with lots of stuff like minimum time commitment and if it can be done from home.
My only feedback would be also try adding some options outside the North American market for some of the items, for example Door Dash is less used in Europe or Asia. Services like Uber Eats, Grab, Food Panda, etc are local equivalents.
@mtimofiiv love this thank you so much for taking the time to review it! I’ll work on getting some global options in there this week!
We just created our upcoming product page for Clipt - a mobile application that allows you to transfer text, files, videos, and images across devices. https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
Currently, Clipt is only available on Google Play, but we are launching iOS soon and are making our debut on Product Hunt.
Would love to receive some feedback & will be checking back to see what everyone else is working on!
Icon Horse
@mtimofiiv Thanks for the feedback, we actually have an Android version out now if you'd like to test it out! In terms of privacy, we transfer data over the Google Cloud so Clipt can't see anything but a file name. I'll be sure to add that in!
@between_team Thanks David! I might be bias, but I use it all the time! I found that it's super helpful for during the workday. I use it to transfer photos and videos from my phone to laptop, one time passcodes between devices, and I use it when I want to copy text on my computer and paste it on my phone. (For reference, I have an Android phone and a Mac laptop.)
Icon Horse
I shipped Icon.horse (and launched on on Producthunt) – the Gravatar of favicons.
Would love some feedback!
@mtimofiiv saw it over on Hacker News -- love it as long time Clearbit user -- have clear use case for sloop.ai and suspect any dashboard based SaaS does as well -- auto import logo when user@newcustomer.com creates account
Icon Horse
Just launched MMOBomb 4.0 at https://www.mmobomb.com
SuperSEO Tips
We added average word count to the keyword rank tracker in https://katlinks.io/
Here's a quick video I did about it:
Just launched https://www.producthunt.com/post..., presenting the golden side of Twitter where you can learn from high demanding niches.
Collection on point!
Can't believe this goldmine is free to consume. Thanks, internet. Thanks, Anshu :)
Shipped a writeup of an idea I've been thinking about for a long time!
https://twitter.com/lshackleton/... and https://coda.io/@lshackleton/two...
NFT Slangs
Shipped https://automatio.co, no-code web automation & data extraction tool.
After years of development, people can finally use it and subscribe to a monthly package.
-> launched MVP for Sloop's automated & branded video captions -- join wait list at https://sloop.ai/ or DM for MVP access
1. Apollo 11 landing output -- best on laptop or desktop, ymmv on mobile atm, https://sloop-mvp-yc-sprint.bubb...
Added a virtual onboarding assistant this week to my planning tool for indie makers at https://logvana.com . It's based on how planning works in my head: start with long term goals, work backwards to weekly and daily goals and tasks. Would love to hear feedback!
Yesterday, I shipped a product in less than 10min! Felt good and had never done it before.
It's a website for creators and founders who don't want to feel lonely and are looking for advice and inspiration as they go through their entrepreneurial journey.
We are a 2 people studio and we announced the launch date of our very first game Peppy's Adventure and published an updated trailer:
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/a...
Even for a modest project, a release is always an important step and the result of countless hours of work and struggles to make it happen. Any feedback is appreciated :)
Marketing4Makers Community
I just shipped a new version of https://userbooster.co
With a new pricing and more features!
Userbooster is a Notion dashboard that helps you get your first users!
@angezanetti Completely dig your product. What a beautiful amalgamation of tools and acquisition channels. Also, pricing models are reasonable. Definitely gonna try, Xavier!
Shipped! https://www.pallo.com/
Working on a PH campaign for later this month/October!
Would love some feedback!
Value Network
Launch Value network on Product Hunt!
Just shipped https://www.bluegreenanalytics.c...
to help people visualize customer journeys on their website. Would really appreciate any feedback, especially since we just introduced a free tier to our product for making it more accessible. Any takers? :-)!
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