What are your favorite resources to improve your coding skills?

Pierre Kraus
6 replies
I mainly use Udemy and Youtube. I was wondering if you guys knew fun apps/resources that help you improve your coding skills. Thanks!


Johannes Grenzemann
If you are looking for innovative concepts have a look at JsRobot (https://lab.reaal.me/jsrobot/) a gamifed approach to learn JavaScript, which is really super cool :)
Alexander Moen
Stackoverflow and YouTube are my most primary go-to for needing to learn and figure something out on the spot. For general knowledge, I've used and enjoyed Udemy and Coursera.
Jeff Lombard
I like to find a teacher that works for me and then just learn everything they offer. There is so much noise out there that once I find a good instructor I try to learn everything from them. I do this on Udemy mainly. EggHead.io is amazing but pricey. Worth it imo.
Pierre Kraus
@jefflombard Thanks Jeff! I agree, there is so much resources out there that it's hard to choose the right one that will teach you the fundamentals.
Deniz Aslan
Stackoverflow ve YouTube and Coursera. And docs...