Top 10 recommendations for building a network on Product Hunt

Garen Orchyan
36 replies
1. Carefully study the rules of PH. If you have any questions, ask the team. 2. Be genuine and expect nothing in return. 3. Always support others and provide real value. 4. Be consistent and show up on PH every day. 5. Maintain your streak. 6. Be nice or at least don't be a jerk. 7. Don't be afraid to ask for help and pose questions. 8. Engage. As much as you can. 9. Write thoughtful discussions and support others. 10. Don't forget to add LinkedIn/X so people can contact you. If we are not connected yet feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or X My LInkedin - My X -


Alexander Dolton
Thank you for the recommendations and yes following PH guides is a must
Mani Teja Noone
Hey @orchyan, that's a perfect list. Thank you for sharing.
Niklas Mengele
Further more I would say following others is also very important to extend your network!
Samantha Tan
Thank you for putting this together. It's super helpful.
Tiep Vu
I have done all the things you said. If only I could have started earlier. Anw, we're launching AppAlloy right now. Love to hear your thoughts!
Great list. Thanks for sharing
Mohd Bilal
Very usefull, i would also recommend these steps. @orchyan ,
Maurizio Isendoorn
Good tips! Btw I'm launching today! Check it out on my profile!
Garen, your insights on building a network on Product Hunt are incredibly valuable. I especially appreciate the emphasis on engaging genuinely with the community, as it resonates deeply with my own experiences.
Hossein Yazdi
The 4th point, being consistent and showing up on PH every day is the key. Thanks for the share Garen! :)
Yami Sun
Launching soon!
No. 2 and 9 are my favorites. Our upcoming launch: My X -
Moaz Ahmad
Launching soon!
That's a great list, most of us are even doing these on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing.
Vitor Seabra
Thanks for sharing Garen! Just followed you
JD Worcester
Thanks for sharing, would love to connect with anyone here and support however I can! My LInkedin - My X -
Mark Toubman
Thank you for sharing! this is super helpful :)
Daniel Zaitzow
I think 9. is the most prudent - Try and actually add some value vs contributing to the sea of noise that exists on here (and all social platforms) The last one - try not to write like a robot! Be as human as you can as people tend to resonate with humans more.
Alireza Baensaf
@dzaitzow Hey Daniel, interested in a brief chat about a possible collaboration?
Daniel Zaitzow
@baensaf in what capacity? Always happy to chat
Alireza Baensaf
@dzaitzow You are launching soon too, our teams can support each other! Also i saw your review on FirstHR Product Launch, i wanted to ask a few questions about that if possible!
Dylan Uschold
Being a new user, this is super helpful @orchyan!
Thanks Garen, I think this is a great list. Particularly number 2 and 3 - and I think you're walking the talk here with this post :)
Don't be a jerk. Best advice 100% haha. great list concise & helpful, thx!