The paradox of choice in SaaS apps & tools

The more tools you discover, the harder it is to make a decision. 😝 It's like standing in front of a large menu at a restaurant and not knowing what to order. How do you personally narrow down your options in an ever-growing sea of digital tools?


It's a challenge, you're right. Here's what I've noticed when figuring out the right tech stack for our clients - When the use case is clear, the options we come across are not so good. Some or the other issue is definitely present. Some lacking feature, unavailability in a certain country, old technology used, bad support provided, out of budget etc. When an innovative product comes up at a time we were not looking for it, it gives a happy feeling and we put it in our grocery list of SaaS tools because it's clear that it's going to be useful.
Gurkaran Singh
Choosing SaaS tools is like exploring a digital buffet - sometimes you just need to focus on one dish at a time to avoid decision paralysis! How do you navigate through the tech feast?