Steal these clickable post titles

For a detailed how-to guide: Use the formula: How to (action verb) (end goal) (with limitation) As in: How to build a library wall for under $500 To address what people get wrong: Use the formula: Stop (taking common action). Here's why. As in: Stop stretching before you workout. Here's why. For a simple but effective routine: Use the formula: (Things) I (action verb) (every day/week/month/event) to (reach goal) As in: Products I use every day to reduce fine lines To share one of your all-time faves: Use the formula: The best (noun) for (specific circumstance/achievable action) As in: The best camera settings for capturing rain To help simplify a big result: Use the formula: Want to (achieve measurable improvement/result)? As in: Want to cut 5 hours off your work week? To share ideas and done-for-yous: Use the formula: X (content/deliverable) to (get benefit/complete task). As in: 10 sleek hairstyles to revitalize dirty hair. To share your personal expertise: Use the formula: How (I/we) (complete task) as a (job title or identify) As in: How I meal prep as a personal chef To do the work for your people: Use the formula: Steal these (superlative or adjective) (deliverables) As in: Steal these autumn inspired color schemes


Thanks for sharing. These are great!
Mansi Trivedi
That's it! You should have a podcast!! I'd listen to it, REGULARLY!
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 I am thinking about creating YouTube channel and audio should be transferred on Spotify. :-) But want to improve my spoken English, first.
Business Marketing with Nika
@filippo_pietrantonio Filippo, that is very kind of you. Keep an eye on my profile. If you want, we can connect on LinkedIn. :-)
Your posts always provide a lot of value for me!
Isaac Greyson
Great Nika Its amazing I will definatry try some of them.
Zoe Allen
Great! Thanks for sharing.
Marilena Nikou
Thanks for sharing!
Jahnmary Diaz
Thanks for this, pretty useful!
Business Marketing with Nika
@jahnmary_diaz Jahnmary, that sounds supportive from you! If you want, share with us your IG handle (or better link) :-)
AI Junction
Thanks I’m trying to build a twitter audience and I can definitely make use of these