Should Translation Strings have an IDE plugin/app?

John Carmichael
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So last month I put together a little app called: To be honest, I had 1 purpose in mind... Before we launched (Liffery) we wanted to get it translated into a few other languages... My co-founder on Liffery is from Germany so we knew we needed English and German... Liffery is not a small app and translating it with a 3rd party translation service was going to cost us too much money. Thankfully, GPT is pretty decent at translations so with Translation Strings we were able to get the whole app translated into 3 languages within an hour or so, and, the GPT API consumption bill was about $5 so... a no brainer! Getting an integration inbuilt with VSCode or JetBrains (eg webstorm or phpstorm) would make the experience a little slicker. Translation Strings is using a NoSQL DB and fast caches so lookahead style search as you type is pretty fast... The question now is... How would you expect an integration to behave and feel?
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