Share your favorite productivity tools and hacks!

5 replies
One of my favorite productivity tools is Notion. It's an all-in-one workspace that allows you to create and organize various types of content like notes, to-do lists, databases, and more. The flexibility and customization options in Notion make it incredibly powerful for personal and team productivity. I also find the Pomodoro Technique helpful for time management, where I work in focused bursts of 25 minutes followed by a short break. It helps me maintain focus and avoid burnout throughout the day.


Randy Taylor
Trello and Notion are my go-to tools for task management. The Pomodoro method is a lifeline for hackers.
andi wir
Hack is taking nap.
I have to use TMetric at work, so it has kind of become my fav productivity tool I use every day)
Pavel Kukhnavets
My favorite productivity tool is a Gantt chart. It is powerful for enhancing productivity in project management within the IT sector and beyond. Gantt chart-based project planning software solutions provide a visual representation of project tasks, timelines, and dependencies, aiding in effective coordination. By clearly outlining project milestones and deadlines, Gantt charts help teams stay organized and focused on their objectives.