Post BlackFriday Apocalypse 😈 What's the damage to your wallets?

Aleks Bochkov
8 replies
Did you get a good deal on anything valuable? πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


sdasdasf fasfsafasd
Hey Aleks, I managed to snag some great deals on Black Friday, but thankfully didn't cause any Severe Damage to my wallet in the process! How about you?
Just in case the wife reads this I don't think I should disclose....
Maciej Cupial
I bought the Product Hunt Founder Club subscription with a 50% discount and I'm extremely happy :)
My one guilty pleasure is gaming, so definitely some damage to my Steam wallet...
Aleks Bochkov
@justana What kind of games are you playing on Steam?
@bochkovaleks Just bought a few more DLCs from the Elder Scrolls series, apart from that I'm pretty old school - Max Payne, NWN, Titan Quest and such :)