πŸŽ‰Our Company's Twitter account just reached 500 followers!

Sandra Djajic
9 replies
Klu.so just reached 500 followers on X. So we celebrate, but building a community on X with the company account is so much harder than personal. What do you think, company or personal account? Make sure to follow Klu https://twitter.com/klu_hq and share yours, lets have fun with company accounts!


Business Marketing with Nika
I think that is better to build a personal brand. Thanks to you (personal brand) I discovered Klu (company's brand) πŸ™‚ BTW... Congratulation! 😊
Business Marketing with Nika
@sandradjajic Thank you! I am still trying. 🫠 Hope that once I build something such strong as the Morning Maker Show. You are an inspiration to me!
That's amazing! All the time I'm getting to the Klu profiles - it's always so impressive! Congrats!
Ted Schaefer
that's huge, and very difficult to do for a brand account - congrats! following πŸ‘
Fei C.
Followed already! I am very appreciated if you can follow us back :) Here is the link: https:0//twitter.com/IntellectiaAI