My PH turned 1 year! Happy B-day to 365 day streak! 🔥

I like this gamification approach. Also badges are good example of this marketing strategy. Maybe I will share more thought about this milestone in my newsletter next week. Are you interested? If you are not subscribing and want to, fill out the form:


Chel Chen
amazing, congratulation
Suman Choudhary
Huge congratulations, Nika!!
Ryker Emerson
Great job, Nika! Congratulations on your 365-day streak. That's a fantastic achievement! 🎉 Keep up the excellent work!
Business Marketing with Nika
@ryker_emerson Ryker, thank you for your supportive words. I want create content beyond PH and my plans are quite bigger so hope I will make them reality. :-)
Jahnmary Diaz
Congratulations Nika!
Lenny Jean
That is amazing. Congrats.
Happy Product Hunt anniversary! 🎉 That's an impressive 365-day streak. Gamification and badges are a fantastic touch. Count me in for your newsletter thoughts on this milestone! Just filled out the form. Excited for the insights! 🚀
Business Marketing with Nika
@istiakahmad Oh, good to know, I will send you a confirmation mail. Thank you for letting me know, istiak. :-)
Oh wow! 365 day Streak, I am jealous! Congrats! 😊
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord Haha, there is no need to be jealous, I do not have a real life then :D No, just kidding. 😂 Oh, and thank you so much for your support via buyme a coffee. (books) 📖 I hope that until Saturday everything will be okay.
Zoe Allen
Congratulations, Happy PH anniversary, Nika!
Congratulations Nika!
Raju Singh
Wow! Congrats Nika. You did awesome and built a great community here!
Business Marketing with Nika
@imraju Thank you, Raju. I keep going and build my community not only on PH, but multicross channels (LinkedIn, Newsletter and Twitter/X too). :-)
Raju Singh
@busmark_w_nika Thats so cool. Lets connect on those channels as well. You will find me with similar handles there as well.
Savia Salaria
😱 OMG! Congratulations 🥳🎉👏
Leon Fisher
Congratulations dear Nika!
Indu Thangamuthu
Wow!!!! Nice.... 🔥 Good job! 👏
Mansi Trivedi
The latest edition was good!! How was the summit??
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 Lots of partying! 😁 But also tour around Lisbon, eating and meeting new friends. The weather was too good to be a reality. Then we came back to Slovakia at 4 degrees Celsius. 🥲
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 How much degrees Celsius do you have in your town? 🙂