My PH turned 1 year! Happy B-day to 365 day streak! 🔥

I like this gamification approach. Also badges are good example of this marketing strategy. Maybe I will share more thought about this milestone in my newsletter next week. Are you interested? If you are not subscribing and want to, fill out the form:


Suman Choudhary
Huge congratulations, Nika!!
Ryker Emerson
Great job, Nika! Congratulations on your 365-day streak. That's a fantastic achievement! 🎉 Keep up the excellent work!
Business Marketing with Nika
@ryker_emerson Ryker, thank you for your supportive words. I want create content beyond PH and my plans are quite bigger so hope I will make them reality. :-)
Jahnmary Diaz
Congratulations Nika!
Lenny Jean
That is amazing. Congrats.
Happy Product Hunt anniversary! 🎉 That's an impressive 365-day streak. Gamification and badges are a fantastic touch. Count me in for your newsletter thoughts on this milestone! Just filled out the form. Excited for the insights! 🚀
Business Marketing with Nika
@istiakahmad Oh, good to know, I will send you a confirmation mail. Thank you for letting me know, istiak. :-)
Oh wow! 365 day Streak, I am jealous! Congrats! 😊
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord Haha, there is no need to be jealous, I do not have a real life then :D No, just kidding. 😂 Oh, and thank you so much for your support via buyme a coffee. (books) 📖 I hope that until Saturday everything will be okay.
Zoe Allen
Congratulations, Happy PH anniversary, Nika!
Congratulations Nika!
Chel Chen
amazing, congratulation
Raju Singh
Wow! Congrats Nika. You did awesome and built a great community here!
Business Marketing with Nika
@imraju Thank you, Raju. I keep going and build my community not only on PH, but multicross channels (LinkedIn, Newsletter and Twitter/X too). :-)
Raju Singh
@busmark_w_nika Thats so cool. Lets connect on those channels as well. You will find me with similar handles there as well.
Savia Salaria
😱 OMG! Congratulations 🥳🎉👏
Leon Fisher
Congratulations dear Nika!
Indu Thangamuthu
Wow!!!! Nice.... 🔥 Good job! 👏
Mansi Trivedi
The latest edition was good!! How was the summit??
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 Lots of partying! 😁 But also tour around Lisbon, eating and meeting new friends. The weather was too good to be a reality. Then we came back to Slovakia at 4 degrees Celsius. 🥲
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 How much degrees Celsius do you have in your town? 🙂