Life update, back after 1 year

Tanmay M
3 replies
Hey, PH I am finally back after a whole year of being inactive on product hunt. βœ… Here are a few updates on my life + I dropped out πŸ™‚, Finally + Exploring Next JS and building a few apps on it + Learning to play piano (hobby) + Bough a monitor, finally able to code on multiple windows πŸ˜† βœ… Further plans + Soon launching on PH, (Mindfulness web app) + Start working on a video editing tool (New app) + Explore AI stuff What about you guys? What are your plans πŸ‘‡


Satyajit Chaudhary
Trying to launch a new game, (Kind a out of hype)
Daniel Zaitzow
@iamsatyajit What is the game about?!
Satyajit Chaudhary
@dzaitzow theme is musk and zuck cage fight