Just launched Emailee today !

Clara Champion
38 replies
Would love your support and product feedback to build the best personal branding tool out there :) https://www.producthunt.com/prod...


Meghan Henry
Best of luck for future
Congratulations on the launch, Clara! I'll dive into Emailee and share my thoughts on how it can enhance personal branding efforts.
Peter Horvath
Good luck Clara! Supported!!
Apurva Desai
Already supported! We are also going to live soon🚀 check my profile for more details. Its magic
Jamie L
Congratulations on the launch of Emailee, Clara! I'm excited to explore its features and see how it can enhance personal branding efforts—count on my feedback to help you refine this promising tool.
Vincent Xu
Launching soon!
Congratulations on the launch, Clara! I'll definitely check out Emailee and share my thoughts on how it could serve personal branding needs.