Instagram acronyms you need to know

Sometimes you can watch Reels or see posts where are used various acronyms. Not each of them can be clear to you. But no worries! I created this small overview. Acronym: CTA Meaning: Call to Action Acronym: DM Meaning: Direct Message Acronym: SAHM Meaning: Stay-At-Home Mom Acronym: IG Meaning: Instagram (of course) 😀 Acronym: SEO Meaning: Search Engine Optimization Acronym: TT Meaning: TikTok Acronym: POV Meaning: Point of View Acronym: WFH Meaning: Work from Home Acronym: AMA Meaning: Ask Me Anything Acronym: CC Meaning: Closed Caption Acronym: PC Meaning: Photo Credit Acronym: VC Meaning: Video Credit Acronym: IYKYK Meaning: If you know, you know Acronym: NFT Meaning: NonFungible Token Acronym: ICYMI Meaning: In case you missed it Acronym: BTS Meaning: Behind-the-scenes Acronym: SMM Meaning: Social Media Manager Acronym: NWM Meaning: Network Marketer Do you know more? Show up in the comments! 👇 Or let's create our own acronyms.


Andrew C.
HB -Happy Birthday VHB - Very Happy Birthday GBU - God Bless You ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing LOL - Laugh out loud SHAWL... oh wait i just started to RHYME...LOL
Denis Galka
Acronym: WTF Meaning: What's Going On?
Business Marketing with Nika
@denis_galka Yeah, I prefer the original: What the f***? 😺
Nick Harrision
Acronym: LFG Meaning: Lets F****ng Go
DoÄŸukan Tezcan
thanks for the dictionary :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@dogukan_tezcan 🙂 I will work on the next part (in the future) :-)
Yepyep nonor
Maybe the founders don't even know what these acronyms mean.
Business Marketing with Nika
@yepyep_nonor This is a good overview! :-) If you know somebody who needs to know these, do not hesitate to share them.
María Vázquez
hahahahaha yes needed for all of us!!