If your life were a movie, what it be called?

Mine: The Pursuit of Happyness 🙂


mine: Chronicles of Resilience 😅😅
@mansi_trivedi1 the life journey is a fantasy as per Elon Musk our life is running within a simulation 😅
Business Marketing with Nika
@istiakahmad Why? In what aspects is your life similar to this movie?
@busmark_w_nika because every twist and turn has been met with unwavering determination. Just like a resilient hero, I've faced challenges, battled setbacks, and emerged stronger. It's the resilience that turns the mundane into an epic adventure!
Rajesh Bhimani
Mine: Everything Everywhere All at Once 😅
Konstantin Bolsh
@rajesh_bhimani wow, it was my instant thought as well Lol
Konstantin Bolsh
Everything Everywhere All at Once. "The Universe Is So Much Bigger Than You Realize."
Mansi Trivedi
Life. Death. And everything fascinating in between.
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 Haven't heard about it. I mean – is it available somewhere to watch it?
The Theory of Everything or The Life of Pi Both are amazing movies anyhow 😊
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord Thank you Nick! I bookmarked The Theory of Everything. Probably I will watch it today. 😁
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord A Beautiful Mind was also perfect! I do not know why but every year I watch different genres. 2020 – documentaries, 2021 – sci-fi (something like Interstellar, Equilibrium, Johny Mnemonic etc.), 2022 – action (Mission Impossible) and 2023 – post-apo (The Walking Dead)... What next? 2024? 😀
@busmark_w_nika OMG Johnny Mnemonic, that's a great one, but you also named my favorite favorite movie, Interstellar, I've watched that movie like a hundred times!
@busmark_w_nika Gattaca! Wow I haven't seen that in a while, that was pretty ahead of its time. *spoiler alert for others* the old man janitor knew who he really was the whole time, I thought that was such a good ending.
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord We should write down the list of top movies and share it with people out there. You know... make them realise what good movies look like. 😃
Greu Kgriv
Absolutely! 'The Pursuit of Happyness: Unlocked.' Just like navigating through levels in the LokLok apk, my life has been about overcoming obstacles and unlocking moments of joy amidst the challenges. It's a journey filled with ups and downs, but ultimately, the pursuit of happiness remains constant, much like the quest for the highest score in a game. Visit: https://www.loklokmod.com/