I need a tool to manage Linkedin sales activities, any suggestion?

Mutlu Sakar
2 replies
Recently i started to use Linkedin to find and reach potential customers but i am having hard times to catch things up like who accepted my connection request, to whom i did write message and who responded back etc. Do you have any suggestion of tool/extension or tactic?


Richa Sharma
You can use Upscale Engage. It helps you automate most of the LinkedIn tasks. Execution requires a single click. Here's the link to the Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/websto...
Kirill Sokol
I've noticed that after Microsoft bought Linkedin there are more adverts from the platform itself and also a lot of users spamming offering their services. I think this is the main reason why Linkedin's response and reply efficiency has decreased. Tools like Dux-Soup, LinkedHelper, or Zopto can help automate certain tasks on LinkedIn, such as sending connection requests, follow-ups, and messages. However, use automation cautiously to avoid appearing spammy.