How much time does it take you to commute to office?

Daniel Engels
4 replies
It takes me around 20 mintutes to commute to office by bike. At some previous places, it happened to me to make an 1 hour commute. The impact on productivity and mood is huge. What about you? Could you also specify yor city, for the sake of comparison?


Tarun Karthikeyan
About 5 seconds as I walk across to my computer desk at home from whichever room I'm in :D
It's depressing to think that I spend almost two hours a day in transit. I don't even want to think about how much time a month or a year it takes me.
Sergul Sungur
I'm living in Istanbul and working from home since the beginning of pandemic but some days I must to go to the office and it takes me around 1 hour depending on the traffic jam. Before/after work hours it takes me around 30 mins. It's a crazy thing trying to cross from Asian side to European side with any kind of vehicle.
Ezzat Suhaime
I take the train so it adds a bit of time. But at least I get to walk! And it's more environmentally friendly.