How do you start your Monday to stay productive?

Anil Matcha
24 replies


I 'll run at 6am
Ozan Yalçın
Make a to-do list and cross out after finishing the tasks
Olatz Urrutia
Check last weeks performance, see what I did well and what I need to focus on. Analyze last week in terms of KPIs and create a to-do list + tasks for this week
Sherry Xena
Check the gaps, check the work left over from last week and plan what needs to be done this week
Aiden Ross Albright
Meditation, check list and there I go!
Kate Santoro
Organize my week's tasks in Asana, check KPIs, make a to-do list for Monday in my agenda and cross things off as I go along. Our team also has a weekly alignment meeting to discuss what we're going to work on this week and anything else that might be important to keep in mind. :)
Ryan Tando -
Organize my big plans & tasks this week, separate it into chunks and add it to calendar! Of course start with coffee
Jyoti Kanabar
I start by doing something for myself before i work. Its good to start early, I make a list of unfinished things and priority tasks to get started. What about you?
Anil Matcha
@jyoti_kanabar I try to see if there are any pending tasks and complete them before starting new work
With a cup of coffee and staff meeting so we can plan the week and decide on the goals :)
Omer Ozdemir
It is very important to start the week well. First of all, I start the first day of the week with a good motivation.
Carter Michael
I typically start my Mondays on Sunday! So I create a to-do list the night before and jump on it once I get to my desk or cafe. Wherever I'm working from.
Aparajita Kar
Making a to-do list with a combination of small and major tasks helps me prioritize, stay organized, and better focus my efforts. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and leads to greater productivity. I think it's a great way to start the week!
With usual suspects, cold shower & coffee. ⚡️