How do you optimize your websites?

Alexandra Cote
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Your website is your #1 marketing tool. Here's 6 ways to test your website messaging for free* before it goes live: *note: just because these tactics are free to use doesn't mean they don't require a lot of time 1. Have 15-minute interviews with your current users AND your target customers [when it comes to messaging only, I'd prioritize the latter] to get their thoughts on your messaging. 2. Stick to basic A/B tests. If you don't yet have enough website traffic, turn to your best-performing channels. E.g. maybe you have a solid email list where you can start testing your messaging 3. Put together a survey with some messaging snippets ± questions to get more insights into what would make your messaging resonate with them [like getting a better idea of their needs, pains points, etc.]. With either of these "experiments", you'll want to focus on: - The clarity and focus of your messages - Highlighted benefits to answer the classic “what’s in it for me?” question - The possibility of getting a hook to make visitors keep reading your landing page - How accurate and truthful your claims are - What kind of language you're using and if it's representative of your brand's voice - Any extras, such as social proof, red flags you can eliminate, must-have highlights, etc.
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