🔥 How do you find what traction channel works best for your startup?

Vio Vanica
7 replies
I am reading the book Traction by Gabriel Weinberg and I found it very insightful in terms of getting ideas for early traction. He tells that everyone approaches traction channels with biases, and tries things that they know. He suggests using The Bullseye Framework for finding your best traction channel. Step 1: Brainstorm Step 2: Rank Step 3: Prioritize Step 4: Test Step 5: Focusing Step 6: Repeat the process Was wondering what is the best channel of traction for your business? How did you find it? (I am aware that it can be different from business to business). Thank you for your openness to share your stories. Cheers, Vio


Yehoshua Zlotogorski
Agreed it's an excellent book. Also just covered our journey at Alpe Audio on reaching 10k users here: https://medium.com/swlh/bootstra...
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
@viorica_vanica With pleasure, enjoy. We're launching Alpe next week on PH :-)
@yehoshua_zlotogorski This is some real great stuff that you shared. I wrote to you on Twitter as well and would like to connect to continue learning from your scaling experiences. Cheers Nilova
Vio Vanica
@yehoshua_zlotogorski oh man, this is awesome, thank you for sharing your experience!
Shiva Prabhakaran
Gabriel's books are excellent. You should look at competition and hedge your bets on those same platforms if you are bootstrapped. If you're venture funded then you have a bigger room for experimentation.