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  • How do I increase engagement on my tweets?

    20 replies
    My product page, Zapmail on Twitter has a lot of views and impressions but the engagement is very low. I want to figure out a way to increase the communities way of getting involved with the product.(feedback, suggestions etc)


    Tej Garikapati
    Feedback comes when you establish yourself as authentic and an authority in your current niche. Here's how you can do it: 1. Write Theads that share your personal story and your motivation behind building the product. The personal story should really touch the emotions. (This builds authenticity) 2. This is a simple template I follow for my ghostwriting clients (grew some of these 100k followers) a. Address the problem. Amplify it. b. Mention how others are trying to solve it. c. Mention how they still have problems. d Finally introduce the product Share the results if your customers. Use tools to collect testimonials from your users. This increaes your authority. Notice how both these strats had nothing to do with asking for more feedback. That is how it is. People accept you as an authoritative figure and are able to vauch for your authenticity that's when magic happens. Cheers. P.S : I do ghostwriting for early founders, help them get their first 1000 users. Would be more than happy to help!
    Aneesh Gupta
    @tej_sai Well articulated actionable advice, Tej! As a new founder trying to do exactly this it was super helpful. Are there some uncommon platforms that you would recommend? I'm experimenting with Polywork for example.
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    @tej_sai thanks for sharing! this advice is great! I’ll try out some of these and let you know how it worked for me. So you’re saying I’ll have to tag my page and share stories on my personal feed as a founder right? Do you have any suggestions for tweets and things I can post from the product page itself? And thanks for reaching out, appreciate the help.
    Tej Garikapati
    @shaaay The stories can come from personal page by tagging your business. You can share results, the template formula through your product page. Besides, engagement us a two way thing. Reply to all the people that comment. Reply to influencers in your niche. Your reply to well performing tweets of influencers should be intelligent, to be more specific, "retweetable" Other than twitter, we also encourage Reddit to get user feedback. Cheers.
    Tej Garikapati
    @_aneeshgupta_ Thankyou. Polywork is a great tool indeed. Other platform that I have used are: 1. Subreddits on Reddit 2. Betapage 3. Clubhouse to a certain extent. 4. Crunchbase if you are into b2b. 5. Killerstartups 6. Betabound All the best👍
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    @tej_sai got it. Thanks 🙌🏼
    NoNext for YouTube
    NoNext for YouTube
    At least you have views and impressions; that's all that really matters. Engagement is worthless if people aren't engaging to use your product. In other words, it mostly depends on the product and its usefulness for the average user.
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    @hashnimo right. I guess since it’s still in early stage as a product.
    Shajedul Karim
    hey sister Shay, in the world of tweets, it's not just about the noise, it's about the music. let's make symphonies, not echoes. some cues from my jam sessions: 1. heart beats: connect not only with minds but also hearts. humanize your brand, share your struggles, joys, victories, fears. transparency attracts. 2. call and response: want engagement? engage. don't just broadcast, converse. ask questions, share opinions, invite dialogue. 3. show, don't tell: bring people behind the scenes. make them a part of your journey. a sneak peek into your thought process, your roadmap can spark intrigue. 4. serve, don't sell: focus on how you can add value, solve problems, inspire. the more value you give, the more engagement you invite. 5. play the long game: engagement is an organic process. it grows, slowly, steadily. keep showing up, keep sharing, keep shining. and you're not just building a product, you're building a community. make it a place where people feel seen, heard, valued. all the best on this exciting ride.
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    @shajedulkarim_ thanks for your advice Shajedul. Will surely try some of these and see. And yes consistency is something I do lack, will try to keep it up from now on.
    Shajedul Karim
    @shaaay you’re awesome! excited to see and talk to you from the top!
    Webpage Sherlock
    Webpage Sherlock
    I follow some of these big guys who preach Problem > Agitate > Intrigue > Positive Future > Solution (https://www.justinwelsh.me/blog/...) A lot of people vouch for this strategy and gain success. I am just starting out in twitter, I tend to gain engagement when I tag a big account or company. It just increases visibility which brings engagement. Let us know if you learn some tricks of your own :)
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    @thehighsecond Hi Thaha, I am also new to twitter, and finding my way. Also I did notice that there's increased engagement when you tag a big company, I had a higher count on it. Thanks for you advice and sure will share anything new I find. 🙌
    The best way to grow on Twitter is to engage with other tweets. Be an active contributor in the community and share your journey authentically. People will be drawn to you once you start rooting for them.
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    Zapmail : Slack as an email service
    @thisismeihere Thanks Mei! I will try to be more consistant, I need to work on it 😅