How are you gauging your success as a solopreneur?

Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
18 replies
Success isn't always straightforward, nor is it defined the same way by everyone. So, I'm curious... How do YOU personally set, measure, and reflect on your goals and progress in your solo journey? Share away!


Richard from Hi! Design
I just keep going... Perseverance is the Key
Indiana Joshi
Sustainable income
André J
Launching soon!
All about PMF 😅
Personally, I measure success by milestones achieved, client satisfaction, and steady growth.
George Lewis
Financial Stability
Lewis Owen
ROI+, this is success, 😂, I have been tortured by ROI for a long time
Chris Lester
By setting measurable goals, tracking milestones, and reflecting on my progress regularly. Doesn't quantify everything but it does help!
Reid C
How many nights I don't go to bed crying... just kidding just kidding... sorta
Terrence Kelleman
If I can make it through most the day and still be in my pajamas, that's a huge win.
Rayan Zeggari
Setting 1 month plan, 3 months plan and long-term vision (the one you aspire to). Then I give it everything every day and let life make its magic. Doing that, I measure my success as how my day went: was I productive enough?
For me, success is when you have gained inner stability, are no longer afraid of the future, are no longer uncertain, and can face everything in life and work with an average heart!
Soleil Santos
For me, success is all about small wins that lead to the bigger picture. Celebrating those daily victories keeps me motivated.
Thắng Võ
Personal Fulfillment
Shimron Singh
It's really a mixture of everything - being able to build a sustainable income from it, the impact the product has had on my clients and my happiness whilst doing it! @brenkinfa