Got any plans for the first weekend of 2024?

Felya Bilgen
66 replies
I'm thinking of cozying up with a good book and staying at home with my loved ones ❤️ I hope that this year will be all about cultivating a cozy and successful vibe.


Lesile Hensley
Catching up with loved ones, sharing stories and laughter.
Burcu Evren
I'm thinking of exploring and traveling somewhere new.
Pleasure Meditation
Definitely staying home. Absolutely want to stay in bed all weekend. Multiple football games and meditation should make for a really good vibe.
I'll be diving deep into final preparations for my upcoming launch.
Roland Marlow
I need to take some time to read this weekend myself. Spending some time with the family and the usual work.
Trying a new cuisine, expanding my culinary horizons.
Ayesha Mughal
Solo writing weekend, penning down dreams and aspirations.
Azam Sultan
Family reunion, cherishing loved ones and making memories.
Billy Boy
Photography walk, capturing the beauty of nature in winter.
Christin Koehler
Winter bonfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories.
Chritopher Bond
Sleigh ride through a snowy park, embracing the holiday spirit.
Claudia Lyons
Open-air concert, celebrating music under the winter sky.
Curtis J. Sanders
Game night with neighbors, fostering new connections.
Den Taylor
Ice skating under the stars, a magical winter adventure.
David strc
Local museum exploration, soaking up art and history.
Emma Jon
Volunteer day, spreading warmth and goodwill in the community.
Emma Watson
Baking frenzy, filling the house with sweet aromas.
Good Will
City lights stroll, marveling at holiday decorations.
Ira M. Cassidy
Sunrise hike, soaking in the first sunlight of the year.
Cozy movie marathon with friends and festive snacks.