Do you use an agenda regularly?

Buse Başar
22 replies


Ayşegül Çorok
Yes I do, because I love seeing what I've done before.
Buse Başar
@aysegulcorok Yes, it is very useful not only for future planning, but also to be able to see the past.
Ezgi Aydın
Yes I use mine every day because I tend to forget things
Buse Başar
@ezgi_aydin I recommend vitamin B12 is also :D
Ezgi Aydın
@buse_basar Great recommendation thank you :)
Gizem Nur Keskin
I try to but these days it seems like a burden for me. I know it helps me a lot but I cannot get myself use it every day...
Buse Başar
@gizemnurkeskin If it is difficult to write manually, I recommend digital ones.
Samuel Lake
I have before but using it too strictly ends up feeling constricting. So I've ended up just adopting a loose agenda and really not sweating it if I don't stick to it
Buse Başar
@sam_drotar Are you able to complete your tasks in this way? İs your time being productive ?
Samuel Lake
@buse_basar Yeah its what I've found to be the most productive for me
Diana Yerkanatova
Yes, it helps to stay focused and keep on track more effectively.
Buse Başar
@diaanna I absolutely right👍🏼
Yes but I’m not always very strict with adding all my tasks to it
Buse Başar
@edgar1 I guess even writing down the main titles helps you maintain order.
Jason Andries
I use my online agenda on a daily basis as I have a very busy life next to work and tend to forget some things if I don't add them to my agenda. Furthermore, I like that it gives me an overview of what my day will look like!
Buse Başar
@jason_andries1 is there an application or website that you use for an online organizer?
Jason Andries
@buse_basar I just put it all in my iCloud agenda so that it's all connected to my laptop & phone and I can access is everywhere. My Google Calendar is also connected to my iCalendar so that it gets added automatically as well
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
Yes, and pen and paper work better for me. I just love the feeling of it, feels real :)
Buse Başar
@dan_yes I absolutely agree :)
Edwward Liie
Yes, I use & review and modify the agenda as needed. Most trusted business news and financial information with Investor Money
Jasper Ruijs
I use my planner for everything, and I even schedule dates with myself to schedule certain events. A life well managed is a prosperous life.
Buse Başar
@jas801 I like the last sentence very much, I agree with your opinion to the end.