Do you dedicate weekends to work? Or have more free than during week days?


Hossein Yazdi
I dedicate myself to work. My work is something that I personally like, so I don't feel bored or tired working on weekends too.
Business Marketing with Nika
@hosseinyazdi Yeah, this is also my case. Anyway... sometimes there is a time when I do a lot of work at once and I hate it so I need a break. But I think I am not a single one.
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I dedicate a few hours on the weekend to my passion projects. Most of the weekend is taking time away from the grind and recharging.
Business Marketing with Nika
@timesaverhacks What is the optimal length of dedicating time to your projects? How many hours?
Mohammad Elzahaby
I try to balance it between family and work, I feel like work has become a hobby for me
Mohammad Elzahaby
@busmark_w_nika I work part time in a architecture firm, and with the other part I build apps, and a startup. Currently all my focus is on
Mohammad Elzahaby
@busmark_w_nika I am going to perfect it for iOS and after that i will make it also for available for android! how about you? you did't answer your own question
Business Marketing with Nika
@mohammad_elzahaby Sometimes I work more on weekends as I do not work so much on weekdays. I think it depends on the type of work I have to accomplish. Haha.
As Dieter Rams once said - Less but better.