Common mistakes you see from first-time makers when it comes to launching a product?

I’m sure there’s a lot of people here prepping in some form for their first project launch. What are some common “mistakes” or things that you see first-time makers/founders do when launching a new project / product?


Patrick Burnside
Here's how I raised my FICO score from 430 to 785. My diabetic condition caused me to fall behind on my medical bills, which caused my world to fall apart. I searched high and low for someone who could help me repair my credit, but to no avail. In November of last year, I met JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP through a friend they had worked for; they restored my dignity and boosted my credit in 9 days, allowing me to take out a loan and pay for a house. You can reach them at JERRYLINKGROUP at GMAIL dot COM
Nick Mazikov
There are several common mistakes. You can read about them on our blog. But our task is to make sure there are no such mistakes, and that investors become interested in this startup as quickly as possible🤩