Best note-taking app?

Nico Muoio
8 replies


Daniil Okhlopkov
Notes - default app on macOS / iOS. I tried a huge amount of note-taking tools - the best for me is just the simplest one.
Wiktoria Jaszcza
It depends on the type of notes you want to take and your work style. I use Notes for my knowledge base, and SideNotes when working between apps, when need to note down something quickly, and for things that I copy often and need to keep easily accessible.
Nico Muoio
@w_j I've been using notion and apple notes. I'll have to look into side notes though, sounds like it would fit my style of working.
Guhan Sundar
I use Evernote, Google Keep, and Apple's notes app. I prefer Evernote for longer content. Google Keep and Apple's notes app works better for quicker notes, lists, etc.
Christian Walter
For more advanced note-taking and knowledgemanagement I can highly recommend Hypernotes ( I use it to store thoughts and ideas and map them out on Knowledgegraphs. It's amazing if you have alot of different notes of the same topic and want to make references between them 👍🏽