Are you team iOS or team Android? Why?

Sanyo Tzeng
20 replies


Peter Puhov
As a developer, I prefer Android due to its fewer restrictions and an easier development process. As a business, however, I would choose iOS for its closed, well-tested ecosystem, where dealing with multiple hardware vendors like Samsung, Pixel, etc., is not necessary. Additionally, I believe that iOS customers are more inclined to pay for apps, as opposed to Android users who are accustomed to receiving everything for free with advertising.
Viola Schoell
I'm on Team iOS because I adore my iPhone; it consistently delivers exceptional performance and offers intuitive usability. How about you? What's your preference?
team android
Sankar Isanaka
we don't have that luxury, we are devs, we are forced to love both :)
i gotta go with apple, less bugs, more responsive, better compatibility with other apple products such as macbooks and apple watch, and beautiful design of the os overall. i don't like the material design that android offers
I am a team android
Paolo Go
Team iOS. I really don't see myself switching back to Android soon.
Nicolas Gohler
Building on iOS, so I'm kind of biased... But no hate towards android.
Android. iOS might be better but the product prices are unreasonably high.
Kevin Brendel
As someone who builds apps using Flutter, why not both? :P (Eventually... our newest app is only on desktop so far 😆)
Uma Venugopal
Android - as a user iOS - as a developer
Team iOS because it never disappoints or crash
Ashley from Shadow
I’ve definitely noticed that the divide is geographically influenced as well! Would you agree?