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  • What do you hate the most about meetings?

    Bruno Vegreville
    26 replies
    I am deep diving into the core problems of meetings to find the best angle to attack them, and would like your perspective on that! Also, some related questions I’ve had in my head for a while now: - How do you capture key moments (e.g. decisions made or next actions) during the meeting? If it’s note-taking, what do you use? - Do you share a report after the meeting and if so, how do you share it? - Do you use a dedicated tool (e.g. Jira, Todoist, whatever…) to track next actions? As a PM in my current company, I take notes of most meetings myself, then consolidate minutes of meetings and share on Slack/Notion. Pretty burdensome, and the next actions end up kind of buried in my notes — Never a good way to hold people accountable 😅 Thanks a lot 🤗


    Lluís Ventura
    Maybe you want to take a look at comeet.me. Apart from async meetings, you can take notes and assign next steps directly from your Calendar and keep track of todos, that are automatically shared!
    Elen Udovichenko
    I am OK with meetings in general. One thing that I don't like is that I usually lose 10-15 min before and after each meeting. If I have 2 or more meetings per day, it totally ruins my productivity.
    Ken Savage
    They’re always tooo dammmn looooong. #amirite?
    Q J
    One effective method would be to record (decent quality) audio, and convert with a speech-to-text application, then analyze tasks etc from there...
    Alex Benjamignan
    People showing up late. Meeting ending late.
    Archisman Das
    - How do you capture key moments (e.g. decisions made or next actions) during the meeting? If it’s note-taking, what do you use? : Typically in an email. What it means is you end up creating a todo list on emails and have to keep digging the email to see if all items reached a closure - Do you share a report after the meeting and if so, how do you share it? - Yes. Over mail - Do you use a dedicated tool (e.g. Jira, Todoist, whatever…) to track next actions? - No. But any tool you use needs to be used by rest of the org too Key challenges that I face with meetings are 1. The context switch overhead 2. time spent getting everyone on same page and language before the actual conversation starts 3. Keeping track of all actionables
    Vaibhav Namburi
    @archisman_das Hey mate, would love to have you give remoteworkly.co a try given it solves word to work of all the problems you're facing - Capturing key moments through action points - Report meeting done via talking points to all people involved in meeting - Can use any tool you'd like to track action points as its synced with your account :) Also to the OP, if this is invasive, apologies - please feel free to delete it!
    Mitch Gillogly
    When meetings feel unproductive. Either they drag on too long, go off track, or are unceccarily scheduled
    Paul Nica
    Super time consuming and a lot of times they're inefficient
    María Cristina Córdova L.
    I'm a big fan of short, productive meetings. We're a 6 person remote team; we meet every day for 45 min early in the morning. Everyone has a turn to speak in which they tell the team what they're working on and if they need help from anyone on the team. We use a shared Google Sheet where everyone registers their to do's during the meeting; the sheet has activity, category, who's responsible, priority (hi, med, lo), when it's due and status (pending, in progress, completed). At the end, I do a recap of the most critical issues and off we go... The system is simple and works wonders.
    Alejandro Cantarero
    It can be really easy for meetings to get on autopilot and stop providing value. In a previous role, we had a weekly meeting that was created for a big project. Initially, it was extremely valuable to get multiple teams aligned around a goal. But then the meeting never stopped and at some point became unproductive. Simply asking the group "What is the purpose of this meeting?" led to some introspection that produced a few conclusions 1. We aren't entirely sure anymore 2. There were already other meetings in the week where the same issues were being discussed 3. We realized this meeting wasn't needed and could be canceled Be wary of auto-pilot and inertia and always be willing to challenge if something is really needed and adding value, especially with meetings.
    Mr Ethar Alali
    Disclosure: Meetings are zero productivity events. I ensure I and my team avoid them as much as possible, unless the investment in the meeting is proving worth it. However, where they have to happen, then for me, it depends on the meeting and its attendees. Because everyone knows email, less people know JIRA. So for tech teams, I do it in the latter. Ensuring actions are captured, but assigned as Tasks immediately, Not lost in a separate "Minutes document" (though of course, decision logs are useful). When it comes to emails, I have a template email with a default top and tail. I then fill in the rest of the email with actions and decisions in the meeting, then send that as soon as the meeting finishes. Recently, JIRA finally released its Email to Issue processor. I would link it but this comment would collapse until a mod got round to seeing it. So I'd suggest just Googling "JIRA Create issues and comments from email" and it should be the first link. That allows you to create tickets, usually one email at a time. So if you assigned a task to person X, you can email them and also BCC a specific email address you created for JIRA and JIRA would create the corresponding issue. All the fields that should appear in the email are shown in the Atlassian doc you should be looking at. Hope that helps :)
    Vaibhav Namburi
    Been at this for a bit haha, have a look at remoteworkly.co if you'd like. The principle of having "time blocking" meetings is removed, and in addition - when meetings do happen you can create quality meeting notes, agendas and action points so no meeting is time wasted
    Dhruv Bhatia
    Check out our product Neo. With Neo you can create action items before the meeting, share it with your team and then take notes and assign action items during the meeting. Neo also syncs with your calendar so all your meetings are in one place.
    Anxo Armada
    I hate when you arrive to the meeting and nobody have nothing prepared o read before. They expect to get on it and take decisions on the fly... If this happens, you should stop it or it will be a new standard.
    Jasper Ruijs
    Here are some quick tips to prevent decision-fatigue: 1. Always do a check-in. If you don't know the group's emotional state, meetings can drag on too long, or you can get into heated debates. 2. Use the deep democracy model to keep the meeting within the 45 to 60 min range. 3. Check out with the question: 'What went well and what could we improve?'
    Aries Liu
    My supervisor keeps saying the same thing in different ways.
    Kate Makulova
    In general I like meeting, but I don't like sending meeting recaps and followups. I capture key topics and decisions in Notes, I send recaps via email/Slack (email for external meetings and Slack for internal meetings), and track actions in Notion.
    Paul Nica
    I hate wasting time if the meeting is not really necessary. With enough preparation beforehand, meetings can be fast and efficient. Any meeting that exceeds one hour is a waste in my opinion
    In general, I don't like meeting, I hate wasting time if the meeting is not really necessary, I don't like to have no preparation in advance, I don't like long speeches.
    Aryan MK
    A few dominate meetings and there is no way to measure how long one does it. Also, switching between Notion and Zoom as tiring af! I started using Macro , has all the tools I need to use. Note taking sync's to Google Docs only so..