What's the best Apple product ever designed?

61 replies
iPod? AirPods? iMac? This started as a debate on our company Slack and we still can't decide. What do you think?


Alexa Wight Fitzpatrick
I think it depends on how old you are...for those of us who remember a time before personal computers, that first desktop was mind blowing, but the social game changer was going from a huge tower or 50 pound book of CDs to carrying all of your favorite music in your pocket at just 5-6 ounces...for the iGeneration, airpods.
Alex Barlow
I loved my tangerine ibook.
Chris Wills
the original ipod...it changed everything for Apple
based on design, I gotta say the iPod shuffle. That little cutie had its own clip-on and was great for workouts.
Björn Antonissen
iPhone 5s Space Grey
Thomas Groutars
Let's see if people have some sense in this thread! What's the best Apple product ever designed?
34 Answers
Jerwin Joshuah
iPod was the first product of apple that was highly desirable for me.
Ali Salah
Airpods: Simple, unique, industry changing and just works!
Elena Zabalueva
I adore airpods and overall wireless headphones!!! Also ApplePay and NFC. there are change my life, really.
Ellen Merryweather
In terms of impact - the iPhone for sure. But personally, my MacBook Air is the tech love of my life.
Raghav Leverage
The Apple ipod, it was unique and and handy. Changed everything for users and Apple.
Pranoy M Pauly
Macbook Air and the Original iPod.
Homepod, iMac G4, Iphone 5
Valentin D
iPhone XR Red. beautiful.
Marvin Blum
Technically not a product on its own, but Mac OS is nice.