If you had to recommend one book to a fellow maker, what would it be?

14 replies
For me, it would have to be "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" by Greg McKeown.


Mittul Desai
@yapartase I'd recommend checking out Principles by Ray Dalio. Very good book about decision making and the impact of methodical decisions on simplification of difficult circumstances.
Has anyone read "The Art of the Start 2.0"?
@yapartase I really like The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz. Describes the rollercoaster of founder life in a great way and still has a positive message. Also - if I'm allowed two - Mindset by Dr Carol S Dweck. I kept one in my bag every day in my first year working full time as a boostrapping founder.
Becky DeForest
@yapartase I recommend BADASS Making Users Awesome by Kathy Sierra, one badass maker herself!
Emerson Dameron
@yapartase Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse. A weird little book that will help you fixate less on #WINNING and discover deeper levels of creativity and usefulness.
Sarah Loertscher
@yapartase The Writing Life by Annie Dillard. This is more from an artistic slant (a writer writing about the process of writing), but I think it's a beautiful volume that offers a lot in terms of what goes into producing work (of any kind).
Noëlie Rx
@yapartase "The Boy Who Could Change the World" which is a book listing the writings of Aaron Swartz
Luu Dao
@yapartase The Lean Product Playbook by Dan Olsen :D
Abraham Mast
@yapartase The War of Art by Steven Pressfield