#1 Most Irritating Buzzword of 2021: "Super Excited" or "We're Excited"

Rowe Morehouse
3 replies
"We're super excited to …" (barf) + I dare you to go a day without seeing it. + If you use this phrase to open your blog post, announcement, or article, then please punch yourself. + Get some originality you loafer! Is that the best first sentence you could think of? … How excited are you?


Tasnuva Ashraf Umama
SO excited seeing this post!!
Rashmi Gupta
what to say..hahaha..good one :)
Rowe Morehouse
Here's another one I can't stand seeing: "The next level". "Take your XYZ to the NEXT LEVEL!" What does that even mean? ... clearly an example of lazy copywriting. :)