Zaid Qureshi

Zaid Qureshi

Programmer - Blogger - Trekker - Gooner
42 points
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Zaid Qureshi
Zaid Qureshi
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?makers Does it support modern extents like WebP and AVIF ?
Unleash the full potential of your digital assets
Zaid Qureshi
Zaid Qureshi
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Cool product. ?makers does this support WebP and JPEG XR ?
Shrink the size of your images for free
Zaid Qureshi
Zaid Qureshi
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Looks nice. Do you have support for Mozilla extension?
Automatically organize content - without learning a new app
Zaid Qureshi
Zaid Qureshi
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I like Google Keep because it is simple and easily accessible
Sharath Kuruganty
What's your fav note-taking tool?
Sharath Kuruganty
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