Vikram Venkatasubramanian

Vikram Venkatasubramanian

Online privacy and security for homes.
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Vikram Venkatasubramanian
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Vikram Venkatasubramanian
Vikram Venkatasubramanian
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Conscious and unconscious privacy compromises

Every day, we make lots of conscious and unconscious privacy choices and compromises with the websites we visit, the devices we use and the apps we download. How often do you think you make a conscious choice and accept the risk every day in order to use a website, app or device?
Vikram Venkatasubramanian
Respect privacy as a fundamental right.
Data privacy and security in tech products.
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Vikram Venkatasubramanian
Vikram Venkatasubramanian
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How many companies do you estimate access your personal data in your home in any 24 hour period?

Laptops, tablets, smart phones, smart TVs, smart speakers, smart thermostats and more are part of our homes and lives. With that, everything we do online is data that someone collects. How aware are we of our privacy?
Vikram Venkatasubramanian
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