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Tom Krones

A free and open-source automated messaging/review and pricing engine for Airbnb hosts.

Superhost Tools for Airbnb
Superhost Tools for Airbnb
Open source messaging and pricing tool for Airbnb hosts
Tom Krones
Tom Krones
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Can you tell us where you get the hotel data from?
Market Data by Beyond Pricing
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Tom Krones
Tom Krones
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I also wish I could just pick countries not a square on the map.
Travel Score
Travel Score
Map the percentage you traveled in the world
Tom Krones
Tom Krones
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When's the iOS version coming out?
App that drives you to be a better driver
Tom Krones
Tom Krones
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I wish there was more React Native tutorials. Cool idea though.
Always Learning
Always Learning
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Tom Krones
iPhone 6
iPhone 6
The new iPhone 6