Rubén Sospedra

Rubén Sospedra

Software independent contractor
15 points
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Rubén Sospedra
Rubén Sospedra
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What I need for this 2021!
Your personal space to reflect on experiences and emotions.
Rubén Sospedra
Rubén Sospedra
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Awesome, can I add my own meals as well?
Makes it easy for raw feeders to track their loved ones food
Rubén Sospedra
RFM is an open platform to track OSS requests for maintainers. Find any repository calling for support. No more stale project, forgotten communities or ignored packages.
Request for maintainers
Request for maintainers
Find any OSS project calling for collaborators
Rubén Sospedra
Semantic password generators
Semantic password generators
Secure passwords that humans can read
Rubén Sospedra
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