Robert Neal

Robert Neal

Front-End Dev, Co-Founder @NoviceDock
45 points
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Robert Neal

I and a few other Stellar community members saw thousands of people basing their knowledge off of short headlines and Reddit posts. So, in order to provide more in-depth information, we worked for 2 weeks to write a 25+ page Google Doc, which was then transformed into a NoviceDock syllabus with over 50 resources.

Stellar Syllabus
Learning track for the coin helping impoverished communities
Robert Neal

Working with the creator of this successful reddit post, we turned it into a complete syllabus for learning Ethereum. Each section of the syllabus has a detailed summary, and also a bunch of curated resources discovered from around the web.

It can be overwhelming learning a new topic, so we created this track to give direction to new learners.

Ethereum Syllabus
Ethereum Syllabus
A complete Ethereum learning track, packed with resources