Ilia Kazantsev

Ilia Kazantsev

Co-CEO, Sticker.Place
127 points
All activity
Ilia Kazantsev

Embed thousands of stickers in any app, site or platform. Multiple methods to display stickers: through search, by popularity, categories, tags or sticker packs.

Sticker.Place API
Get stickers for your app
Ilia Kazantsev

Sticker Pricing is a cute little app for app creators, brands or business owners to communicate with users in messaging apps. Sticker packs can be created for iMessage, Telegram, Kik, Line, and other messaging apps, as well as custom keyboards for iOS and Android.

Sticker Pricing
Easily calculate the cost of a sticker pack for messaging
Ilia Kazantsev
The Earth Day Stickers for iMessage
The Earth Day Stickers for iMessage
Spreading the word about endangered species with stickers!
Ilia Kazantsev
AirPano City Book for iOS
Beautiful aerial virtual tours
Ilia Kazantsev
Thousands of stickers by the world's best artists
Ilia Kazantsev
Stickers Made With Love
Collective sticker pack with 50+ artists to spread love
Ilia Kazantsev
Woooooop Sticker Pack
Ridiculous Sticker Pack for iMessage by Pedro Piccinini
Ilia Kazantsev
The Invisible Dragons
The Invisible Dragons
A text based game with amazing UI
Ilia Kazantsev
AirPano Travel Book
AirPano Travel Book
Amazing virtual travel experience (Best of 2014)