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Nil Vila
Nil Vila
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It's sad that this isn't a real app. I would pay anything for it 😉
Instantly kill iTunes once it launches 💥🎵
Nil Vila
Nil Vila
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I thought this was a joke.
Rich Kids
Rich Kids
Photo sharing app where users pay $1000/mo to share
Nil Vila
Nil Vila
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I don't care how many followers I have. I don't care if the people I follow don't follow me.
Unfollow for Instagram
Unfollow for Instagram
Unfollow those users who do not follow you back on Instagram
Nil Vila
Nil Vila
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Is there any horizontal version?
Emoji Poster
Emoji Poster
Every Apple Emoji on a Poster
Nil Vila
Emojis and their entries
Nil Vila
Randomly generated ideas for your next Dribbble shot