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An honestly more fun (and COVID-friendly) version of Cards Against Humanity, which features GIFs instead of text cards. Play with 3-8 players online. Perfect for remote work teams, quarantine hang outs, and other escapes from reality.
wdy GIF?
wdy GIF?
A fresh (and COVID-friendly) take on Cards Against Humanity
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Love the concept. Do you allow for user submissions? Might have some audio for you to use!
Spaces.FM Beta
Binaural sounds to improve focus and boost your productivity

Learn the basics of Venture Capital as well as a dive into how Venture Capitalists invest. Every claim is sourced from professional articles, investors, or investing websites. We took the liberty of boiling down and organizing their ideas into one coherent whole. Our hope is that this guide will help demystify the industry for the common investor.

How to Invest like a VC
Bridging the knowledge gap between regular investors and VCs