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Ariel Orbach
Ariel Orbach
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This looks great, and I hope it helps people in recovery!
Just For Today by Fred (Not Freud)
A Chrome Extension to help motivate people in recovery
Ariel Orbach
Ariel Orbach
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When is the best time to launch a product on Product Hunt?

"Real artists ship" - Steve Jobs. This is a question that many entrepreneurs and product managers struggle with. The answer is not a simple one, as it depends on several factors such as the stage of development of your product, your target audience, and the competition on the platform.
Ariel Orbach
Ariel Orbach
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Entrepreneur -
Mohamed Zakarya
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Mohamed Zakarya
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Ariel Orbach
Ariel Orbach
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@iuliia_shnai this is a good opportunity for us to work on elevator pitches πŸ˜‚
Iuliia Shnai
How did you explain what you are building to your family and friends over Christmas? πŸ™ˆ